Journey Wisdom: Extending Our Vision, Deepening Our Capacity

“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.” —Matsuo Basho

Destinations shimmering with golden light always have places with dark spots that demand our attention, imagination, and courage to traverse. A little help along the way—from amiable companions and loving guides—makes all the difference, as we get lost and find our way, over and over again, and as we enjoy sharing field notes with our fellow journeyers.

The best in leadership development includes coaching and deep inner journeys; however, these journeys are best when paired with meaningful shared journeys with shared practices. And, in this kind of process, we find that it’s just not so hard.

Our clients are diverse but share passions for learning and innovation in the realms of science, technology, and engineering, including:

  • Physician leaders committed to research, clinical service, and teaching arts, whether expediting "bench-to bedside" diagnostics and treatments, building new clinical enterprises or mentoring younger faculty members at academic medical centers

  • High tech leaders rolling out e-commerce products and services like clockwork, who are scrutinized by demanding investors seeking dramatic growth

  • Construction leaders committed to lean processes, which not only ensure public safety for dramatic skyline projects in earthquake-prone zones but also reduce unconscionable waste and identify green building practices whenever possible

We organize our work around our Three Pillars of Leadership and build Leadership Learning Communities in year-long programs. Many of our clients from these different industries have met one another and share lessons learned on the journey into:

  1. Self-Mastery - building self-awareness and sensitivity to others, building emotional literacy, centering under pressure, etc.

  2. Social Competence - listening beyond words and content, converting complaints to commitments with the help of practice partners, giving feedback with dignity, coordinating action effectively, engaging in appreciative inquiry, building others’ public identities in positive ways, etc.

  3. Leadership Presence - reading the world, creating visionary narratives that invite others to join ambitious, exciting journeys, revealing the challenges and crucibles of the leadership journey, removing obstacles to innovation, etc.

Discover how you and your organization can reliably build stronger leadership practices, navigate breakdowns with dignity, celebrate strengths and contributions, foster creativity, and transform a typical team into a team of leaders.